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“for all the deepest thoughts compiled, philosophy to laws of physics, no one’s ever heard or seen a more beautiful thing than this Love that saved us. The very spark that burns the stars drew near to me today. the God, of everything that is, whispered in my ear that His love is boundless.”  -fif

i cannot believe the way God takes care of things in His perfect, beautiful, astounding ways. 

if anyone wants to know specifics, just ask me.  it’s pretty amazing…at least to me. 

but today was exactly what i’ve been waiting for…a new hope.  a new peace.  God revealed Himself to me in the most perfect ways.  i just needed faith.  i cannot believe how many scriptures i’ve seen come to life.  if you’re interested, please continue the prayers.  i AM getting through this.


also, i have four friends that are currently serving Christ around the world for the summer.  mikkele in spain, sarah d in england, another sarah d in arizona, and kathryn in the dominican republic. 

pray for them!

5 thoughts on “

  1. Just thought I’d say hello… hope everything’s going better for ya!… And in response to the comment you left like a million years ago (about Spanish being a waste of time b/c of portfolio)… I completely understand… I always thought you were nice : ) heh.. Have a wonderful day!


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