but if i’m a fool
i’m a fool for You.
and if i’m alive
i’m living just for You.
if i sing a song
then i’ll sing it for You.
i sing all day long in everything i do.

i love this song so much.  i’m making my self portrait based on it for drawing class.

listening to: cool hand luke

hey guys…you can all help me out a ton if you want.. for my ap portfolio class, we’re focusing on things for our portfolio concentrations and part of it is finding out who we are when viewed by other people.. and so i’m supposed to ask my friends.  so if you haven’t already..or even if you have.. could you just write out like my personality traits..what makes me uncomfortable, what makes me laugh, what makes me mad, what makes me excited, what i act like, what i look like, etc.  wow if you do i’ll love you forever.  if you don’t wanna post it on here, just IM it to me (bschmidt777).  aright thanks.

also…tonight my youth group has 40 kids going to judgement house..and theres a lot of them that aren’t saved..and it would be pretty amazing to see some new Christians after tonight’s done.  so just pray for them tonight if you could.  thanks again.

->hi, my name is brandon and it’s really nice outside.
listening to: switchfoot

Jesus, I love You.  thank You.

youth was grood tonight…i felt kinda thrown together with the music and the volumes got really messed up..but i think it was fine. hanannaanahah visited too.  and we played the “honey i love you game” and i didn’t laugh (if you know me..you know that just doesn’t come easily..) ..and it was good seeing my youth group friends.  for some reason i missed ’em this week.  afterwards i went to taco bell with jaydee and hannah and sarah d (who got lost or something, haha) and saw a big whopping amount of people there.  so yay..it was good seeing everyone there too.  this post had no relevance to anything, but i felt like writing.  everybody go to dustin’s xanga and look at america’s next supermodel in the background…but be careful..he/she might come after you.

->hi, my name is brandon and my dog just peed. beside me.
listening to: bleach

hi.. you should all go to church tonight.  for the right reasons.  and go expecting to get something out of it.  and then get something out of it.  and then take it back with you. 


if you don’t have a place to go.. then come to mine.

7:00-8:15pm @ forty corners church of God
on route 21 about 3 miles north of downtown massillon
3474 beaumont avenue, massillon, OH 44646

->hi, my name is brandon and i’m eating rice.
listening to: copeland ..ahhhh

do you guys like the new look..?

whoa i haven’t written in a while..sorry.  um…i’ll try to recap but i don’t know if my mind can remember it all.  friday i hung out with jaydee and hannananahah and kelley and nate and sara s and k.tea…it was fun…we played supermarket sweep.  the girls cheated.  and i got annoyed by a monstrous group of jackson kids at taco bell.  it was awkward..nobody acknowledged me.  even though i thought i was friends with some of ’em.  i guess i could’ve talked to them too though.  maybe told them to not go get wasted after they finished their tacoes. high school is dumb.  saturday i was at church all morning setting up for the fall fest.  then the zac attack came over and we watched tv for a couple hours.. then i went back for the fall fest, and painted faces for little kids..haha this one kid wanted spiderman..so i tried..and it looked like strongbad.  haha poor kid..  sunday i got to lead the whole service’s music for the first time since i got put into the worship leader rotation, so that was fun.  and yeah.  it was a grood weekend.  the rest of sunday and monday consisted of homework.  that’s about it.  i’m trying to keep this short. 

->hi, my name is brandon and i have 400 pages to read for english tonight. 
listening to: blindside – cute boring love

yayyy new design.

is anybody out there? 

if so, leave me comments and fill this out.

+what is my name?
+what is your first memory of me:
+how long have we been friends:
+tell about one memory we share together:
+describe me in four adjectives:
+if we could spend a day together what would we do:
+name one thing you really like about me:
+if you could give me a gift what would it be:
+have we ever hugged:
+what is something embarrassing that i’ve done:
+what do i usually look like when you see me:
+when have i helped you:
+what do i say all the time:
+do you think we will be friends in 5 years:
+what do you admire about me:
+has there been anything you wanted to tell me, but didn’t:
+what advice would you give me, in general:
+suggest a band / cd for me to listen to:
+is there a song that reminds you of me:
+what will i be doing later in life:

i watched a girls football game tonight at a small school in the middle of nowhere.  i felt like i was on an mtv special.

and i forgot today was costume day at school..and freaked out when i got there and walked into the hallway overflowing with goth kids and they were all dressed up as clowns and the misfits and doctors. 

that’s all i have to say right now.

->hi, my name is brandon and i’m still cold.
listening to: cool hand luke

it’s cold outside. 

just thought you’d like to know that..

everyone come to

@ forty corners church of God
3474 beaumont avenue
massillon, OH 44646
(on route 21, 3 miles from downtown massillon towards canal fulton)

i lead worship..we have discussions..games..and yeah.  it’s fun and awesome and God-filled. so come and bring friends and IM me if you want more information.

->hi, my name is brandon and i’m excited for christmas.
listening to: copeland

yay another survey.. you know you wanna read it.  oh yes, you do.

name 4 bad habits you have:
1. sitting back and letting opportunities go
2. procrastinating
3. not standing up for myself
4. filling out surveys
name 4 things you wish you had:
1. God’s plan figured out (i’m learning to be patient.)
2. an electric gee-tar
3. a keyboard
4. a new computer
name 2 scents you love:
1. baking cookies
2. chlorine…yeah, i’m weird
name 4 things you love about your crush:
1. mmm if i had one this would be easier to answer
2. yep
3. yep
4. yep
name 4 things you are thinking about:
1. music
2. sunday morning.. i’m leading the service for the first time
3. whatever i’m talking to people about right now
4. this week needs to hurry up
name 4 things you’ve done today:
1. took a shower
2. went to school
3. went to bible study
4. played piano
name the last 4 things you bought:
1. tacoes
2. tacoes
3. tacoes
4. tacoes.. haha seriously the last four times i’ve bought something has been at taco bell
name 4 drinks you regularly drink:
1. sunny delight
2. grape juice
3. cherry coke
4. water

first grade teacher’s name: miss schaaf
last words you said: “get out of the cupboards!!” (to my dog haha)
last song you sang: mmm this one that dustin and i were working on last week..it doesnt have a name
last thing you laughed at: mikkele telling me about her gigantic hanson posters
last time you said ‘i love you’ and meant it: today
last time you cried: mmm not sure
what’s in your cd player right now? cool hand luke
what color socks are you wearing? white and gray
what’s under your bed? random stuff..i donevenoh
what time did you wake up today? 5:40
current taste? cherry 7-up
current hair? same as usual
current clothes? jeans and my “i am not famous” t-shirt
current annoyance? school
current longing? to do what Jesus wants me to do
current desktop picture? five iron frenzy
current worry? school
current hate? school
current favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? eyes
last cd you bought: i believe it was number one gun
favorite place to be: anywhere with my friends
least favorite place to be: school
time you wake up in the morning: around 6
if you could speak any language: i like english
how old do you want to be when you get married: whenever..not like old old though haha
how many kids do you want: i donevenoh
where will you want to live: i donevenoh
what do you want to do after college: whatever God wants..which i’m pretty sure is music ministry
how many people on your buddy list that you DONT know in person: hmm…like 10.  but i only really talk to one of them. haha
favorite memory: either childhood..being with friends..or being on stage
what are you doing tonight: homework

1.First Name: brandon
2. Middle Name: james
3. Last Name: schmidt
5. Hair Color: dark brown
5. Hair Style: umm..shaggy-ish..? i dont know
6. Eye Color: hazel
7. Height: 6’2″
8. Location: massillon/canton/jackson
9. Birthday: july 26, 1985
10. Zodiac Sign: leo
11. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: nope
13. Do you have a crush?: nope
15. Favorite Animal:
16. Favorite Sport: hmm..lets go with baseball. or kickball. hah
17. Favorite Color(s): red..or blue..
18. Favorite Friend/Friends: i dont have a favorite.  they all rock my socks.
19. Favorite Online Friend/Friends: i prefer to say “distant friend”. but mikkele’s the only one.
21. Favorite Song/Songs: “every new day”, fif
22. Favorite movie quote: “WEVE LANDED ON THE MOOOOON!”
24. Favorite Store: borders
25. Favorite Feeling: joy
26. Favorite Shoe: my brown ones
27. Favorite Scent: mmm deja vu
28. Do you wear make-up?: no
31. In a girl/guy, do you want more personality or looks?: personality.
32. What kind of personality do you like in a girl/boy? a passion for Jesus.. kindness..humor..interest in music..and yeah moving on
33. Do you move fast or slow with a girl/guy?: i’d say slow..but not like i have much experience in the more-than-friendship department
34. What is your idea of the perfect girl/guy?: stop asking about thissss
35. Would you ever ask a girl/boy out?: if i wanted to
38. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes: whatever
45. What is the first thing u notice about girls/boys?:
their actions
46. Whens the last time u cried?: i don’t know
48. What do u want to be when u grow up?: whatever God has planned for me to be..I want to be doing something in music for Him. that’s all.
49. Do u sleep w/ stuffed animals?: no
50. Do you want children?: i think so
52: How “far” have you gotten?: not more than friendship
53: Do you like someone right now? not really
54: Do they know?: no
1: Do you have a best friend?
: i don’t think i could pick out one to be the best because too many are way awesome to me
2: Whos is your best friend?: i would say jason took the spot..but i have too many other good friends, i dunno.
3: Who do you e-mail the most?: hmm..i don’t really email that much really.
4: Who is the meanest?: i don’t like being friends with mean people. haha
5: Who’s the loudest?: sarah d or allison

Within the last 24 hours, have you…
1: Had a serious talk?:
2. Hugged someone?: yep
3: Get along well with your parents?: yep
4: Fought with a friend?: nope
5. Kissed someone? nope
6. written a letter:? nope
7. told someone you loved them? yep
8. cried? nope
9 saw a movie:? nope
10. used the phone? yep

Do you like to…
1: Give hugs?:
2: Give back rubs?: not so much haha
3: Take walks in the rain?: as long as my glasses aren’t on..and it’s not freezing
4: You ever have that falling dream?: i used to get them soooo much when i was little.  i even made a painting about them last year.
5: What color is your floor/carpet in your room? wooden tile
6: When you chew gum, what kind?: i don’t like gum
7: Do you use chapstick? nope
8: How do you plan on spending the summer?: i’m going to alive..and nashville for a week…and hopefully helping with youth choir for a week. i dont know. i need a job.
Did You Ever
1. Drink?:
2. Smoke?: no.
3. Do drugs?: no.
4. Have sex?:  no.
5. Make Out?:  no.
6. Go on a date?: haha it depends on who you ask
8. Go to the movies?: yes
9. Go to the mall?: yes
10. Eaten an entire box of Oreos?:  nope
11. Eaten sushi?: nope
12. Been on stage?: yes..yay
13. Been dumped?: no
14. Had someone be unfaithful to you?: possibly
15. Watched the smurfs?: ahh i miss the smurfs
16. Hiked a mountain?: i think so
17. Made homemade cookies?: yep
18. Been in love?: hmm.. nope
19. Seen the White House?: nope

More Stuff
1. Are you popular?:
it depends in what area you mean
2. Are you cute?: no
3. Do you have your own phone line?: no
4. What is your fav word to say?: grood
5. What is your fav phrase to say?: ..hmm i dunno. anything from homestar
What is it right now
1. What time?
: 4:44pm
2. What are you doing right now?: filling out a survey..talking to people..playing guitar
3. What are you wearing? see above
4.What color are your nails?: if we were going with crayola colors..i’d say apricot. haha