i got to go sled riding with lisa and val today and it was fun.

school was dumb.

does my new picture look stupid?

i wrote a song tonight.  tonight was rough for some reason.. but certain friends and Jesus were there as always. thankyou.


                           sorrow growing softly
           creeping below this weaving of a heart
                                     smiles fading slowly
                  erasing the trace of joy that sets me apart

               patience gaining distance
passing farther from my peaceful set of mind
                   hope becoming gray
shadows looming on the path i am to find

                          but darkness is not of You
                          for joy rains down from all that You do

           this plea, i sing
             for me to feel
         the love you bring
          my heart to heal

                                         grace destroying chaos
                       calming the waves that flooded my soul
                              peace battling heartache
                          clearing the wounds that felt beyond control

                              and all this comes from You
                              for joy rains down from all that You do

         this plea, i sing
           for me to feel
        the love you bring
        my heart to heal
t h i s   l i f e ,   i   g i v e
                                  e l a t i o n   p o u r s
                                      n o w   i   m a y   l i v e
                                            f o r   i   a m   Y o u r s

->hi, my name is brandon and i have no reason to be down.
listening to: cool hand luke

nights like tonight i’m reminded that God constantly blesses me in so many ways.. trans4m was just fun.  we had a square dance, and His presence during worship was overwhelming to me.  that’s one of the greatest feelings ever.  sara and jessie came, and it was cool ahving them there.  then we went to taco bell.. saw dustin wreck his car into a snow/ice bank.. helped him dry off.. laughed a lot..reminisced on television.. saw/listened to maygunne show off her amazing talent that i had to miss.. talked about snow.. and the likes.  and sarahD and i heard pretty fly for a white guy on the radio on the way home.  man oh man. 

thinking of this break i’ve had from school this week was something i’ve needed so bad.  and it totally came out of nowhere.  and being with my friends tonight was so great.  thank You Jesus for putting the coolest people ever in my life.  i love you all.

ohhh and i get to see sarah saturday on her birthday!  i’ve seen her once in the past like 6 months. 

and dustin and josh and i are playing that night at the java house (basement of jackson friends church on portage and arlington) for whoever wants to come hear us and tell sarah happy birthday. 

it’s snowing really hard.. whoa, what if we got 4 snowdays..  i guess i better get to bed in case i have to get up in a few hours. 

->hi, my name is brandon and i don’t deserve how good i have it.
listening to: justin mcroberts

3 snowdays = happy happy happy brandon.

it was weird thinking this morning could be the last time i’ll ever hear “jackson local schools” being called and get excited.


nobody wished me a happy belated half birthday.  some friends you are.  haha kidding

guys, my half birthday was yesterday.  and i missed it. i MISSED it.



2 snowdays = happy happy brandon.

yesterday i went to see the butterfly effect with lisa/val/chad/josh/sara and i think i liked it.  lots of disturbing parts and funny parts that weren’t meant to be funny.. but i liked it. haha  then sara and lisa and i went to the mall.. saw courtney and fallon and jesi.. and then my mom called and made me come home.  today i’ve done nothing, and i’m not sure if i’m going to.  i hope so though.  ’cause i’m bored.  and filling out scholarship applications isn’t fun..

last night i had a dream that i was looking out my window.. and this aircraft flew out of nowhere from a distance.. and then it shot out this fireball bomb thing and my street caught on fire.  and we were under attack.. and so i ran and got the hose and put all the fire out.  and then it kept bombing my neighborhood and then moved on and yeah..it was weird.  then i woke up. 

gJiEfRfEoMrYd: that was a good dream
gJiEfRfEoMrYd: you win a grammy

->hi, my name is brandon and i wanna go sled riding.
listening to: copeland

i hope it starts blizzarding soon. haha jme and i decided that should be a word today.  church was so good this morning.  everything was just happy.  i found myself in tears during worship because of it.. and ah.  yeah.  good stuff.  then i went to arbys with zac and doody and jme and we talked about bondage pants and bandanas on apendages (whoa..say “bondagepantsandbandanasonapendages really fast a few times.  haha thats funny.  k nevermind.) .. then jme and i went to the mall to find clothes for dustin..haha and i found that everything i wanted was now gone from every store.  arrg.


1) Using BRAND NAMES, spell out your first name:
Bugle boy
American eagle
O…i dont know
Nautica haha

2) Have you ever had a song written about you? do ones that i wrote count?
3) What song makes you cry? every new day by fif has many times..so have lottts of worship songs
4) What song makes you happy? today i heard “window” by out of eden” and “socially acceptable” by dc talk in jme’s car.  man oh man. haha
5) What do you like to listen to before bed? it depends..lately ive been listening to the passion sacred revolution cd
6) Name a song by Coal Chamber: no.
7)Who was/were your idols when you were younger? Jesus..
8) First album you ever bought? carman yo! kidz.. actually that was given to me.  the first one i bought was no doubt – tragic kingdom.
9) Name a song that reminds you of someone and why: umm..i donevenoh.

a p p e a r a n c e
HEIGHT: 6’2-ish
HAIR COLOR: dark brown
SKINCOLOR: my skin is skin colored!! haahaa if you don’t get that then just go on.
EYE COLOR: hazel

r i g h t n o w
WHAT TASTE IS IN YOUR MOUTH?: i dont know..the taste of saliva
WHAT’S THE WEATHER LIKE?: colllllllolollldldldldlldddddddd.. but pretty. haha
HOW ARE YOU? happy.

d o y o u
GET MOTION SICKNESS?: sometimes..not usually though
HAVE A BAD HABIT?: i think we all have something..i can’t think of one right now

f a v o r i t e s
TV SHOW: american idol
CONDITIONER: is better..hah
BOOK: the B-i-b-l-e, yes that’s the book for me
MAGAZINE: seven ball or hm or ccm
NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK: sunny delight
WEEKEND: my favorite weekend?  haha i don’t know
BAND OR GROUP or SINGER or RAPPER: five iron frenzy..wait they broke up.. further seems forever..wait theyre breaking up… the benjamin gate.. wait they broke up… bleach.. wait theyre breaking up.  how bout switchfoot and copeland and blindside and chris tomlin.

h a v e y o u
BROKEN THE LAW: i jaywalk a lot
RAN AWAY FROM HOME: not for longer than 10 minutes
EVER TIPPED OVER A PORTA POTTY: no..but it’s fun to pound on one that you think your friend is in..then see them come out of a different one..and take off running before the person comes out of the one you just beat on
BEEN IN A SCHOOL PLAY: yep.. i was in a few in elementary school

l o v e
SEXUALITY: hetero.
CHILDREN: are you asking if i have any..? (no)
CURRENT CRUSH: the old lady that works at the library.  hah or not.
BEEN IN LOVE?: nah..
HAD A HARD TIME GETTING OVER SOMEONE: not really.. God pretty much takes care of that
BEEN HURT?: well yeah, who hasn’t been at some point..

r a n d o m
DO YOU HAVE A JOB: no but i neeeeeeed oneeeeee..somebody helllllllp
YOUR CD PLAYER HAS IN IT RIGHT NOW: cool hand luke and blindside
IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE?: um… midnight blue or green or macaroni and cheese or red
WHO MAKES YOU THE HAPPIEST?: God, my friends, my family
WHAT’S THE NEXT CD YOU’RE GONNA GET?: i don’t know.. i want the new blindside one when it comes out..
WHO DO YOU CONSIDER GOOD FRIENDS?: a big chunk of awesome people that i don’t feel like typing out..haha
WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO?: fill out surveys and go to church and play/write/listen to music and go to shows and be with my friends

w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t
TIME YOU CRIED?: if you count this morning, i guess that’s it.
YOU GOT A REAL LETTER? not sure..a ew months ago probably
YOU GOT E-MAIL: a real email…friday
THING YOU PURCHASED: a #6 combo meal at arbys
TV PROGRAM YOU WATCHED: saturday night live

y o u r t h o u g h t s o n
ABORTION: murder
TEENAGE SMOKING: disgusting and obnoxious and rude and sad.
DREAMS: random

hi.. the past few days have been really good.  it’s so nice to genuinely enjoy life and all that God does in it every second.  mmmmhmmmm.  thursday night i got a new coat.. it’s warm.  last night lisa and chad got me..and we picked up micah..and james..and went to meet josh and nate and val at fridays…and the roads were really bad but we finally got there.. but it was really crowded so we went to applebees.. and got there and realized we had no way to get ahold of val and that she was probably at fridays..so lisa and i hurried as fast as we could over there, and almost died. haha.. well.. kinda.  we were driving and randomly started going sideways..then went sideways the other way.. and i just kinda kept talking and lisa was like “umm..umm..got it.”  haha and we didn’t realize what happened really until afterwards, and it was funny, but nobody really seemed to appreciate that story.  and now that i just reread this, you probably don’t either. haha.. but aaaanyways, then we went to lisa’s and watched the family guy.  and i came home and fell asleep..woke up at 8 and went to church. 

today we had anortheast ohio student leader meeting (for church of God) and we planned some stuff for our retreat in a few weeks.. and then mike skupin (from survivor australia..he was the guy that burned his hands in the fire) talked to us for a while..and wow, he had such awesome stories…a lot of the things he said hit home like whoa.  he just talked a lot about persuing Christ…and that was just stuff i needed to hear.  i love feeling fed. then tonight we had a rally thing for young adults, and he spoke, and this band played..that made me laugh a lot at first, but the worship time was cool after mike spoke.  it was just good to be able to sit down in the back with my eyes closed and worship by myself, away from others.  i can’t even remember the last time i was able to do that and not have to worry about leading..or at least being up in front where everyone can see.  i didn’t realize how badly i needed it.  but yeah.  then doody and hammah and i went to pizza hut.  and here i am.  church is in the morning, and again, i get to go without having to worry about playing and i’m excited.  and tomorrow night we’re getting a big ice storm!!

->hi, my name is brandon and i’m falling asleep.
listening to: further seems forever

studyhall makes me gay. haahaaa (happy gay, you sicko)

trans4m was amazing last night. ahh, God has totally just shown himself the past several weeks, at least to me, during the meetings and it’s been really cool. you should all check it out. then i went to fazolis and got caught in the middle of a violent spitball fight. i was canada so nobody shot me. mmm yeah.

i’m tired today. really really tired.

i also think that i have a curse…if you’re in a band, and i like your music, watch out.

five iron frenzy
the benjamin gate
further seems forever

bam bam bam they’re gone within a year. i can’t take this much longer.

->hi, my name is brandon and i wish jackson high school knew what a heater was.

listening to: nothing because this is a library and “IFYOUTALKYOUREOUTTAHEREBLAHBLAHBLAH”

my body feels messed up again today.. i don’t know why, but just pray for me please.  today was good.. i slept for 3 hours after school and then went to a youth council meeting..then came home and watched tv and studied.  and yeah.  i just felt like posting lyrics God gave me today. so yeah..


dark as night
       Your spirit bright
“let there be light”
              -and then there was a beautiful creation-

the earth, the stars
                 to go so far

to see how great You are
          is such an overwhelming mystery

all of me is reaching
all of me is searching
all of me is ready to rise
         carry me away
to where You would have me run
    carry me away
where i’d hear whispers from the Son
                       a love so vast
      my sins have passed
my life can last

               forever from the sacrifice You paid

i feel it’s time
         for us to shine
wrapped in love that’s so divine
                            we owe it all to You

all of me is reaching
all of me is searching
all of me is ready to rise
         carry me away
to where You would have me run
    carry me away
where i’d hear whispers from the Son

and now i bring
      a n    o f f e r i n g
my heart to make Your angels sing

                every new day, show me
Your ways.




->hi, my name is brandon and things are awesome.
listening to: cool hand luke



hi.. i don’t want to go to school in 7 hours.  but oh well.  this long weekend didn’t seem very long.  but it was nice..

yesterday i went to church and led worship.. it was cool.  i was really nervous about it for some reason, but like.. the Spirit was definitely there, and i could see it through a lot of the congregation.  Satan was definitely trying to stop it though.. stuff in the sound system kept going crazy, and yeah.. it was a mess at times with static and stuff.. but for the most part, it just went really well.  the sermon was so cool.. and during the altar call i had to play like 10 verses of “take my life” and then for a long time after that..but it was cool.  lots of tears and Jesus.  yay..  then i went to wendy’s with jaymey, jason, zac, canary, and doodypants.. there were old ladies and BRIGHT coats and flags.. and then i went to jme’s and played with dolls.  (pictures soon hopefully..haha) ..then jaye picked us up and we went to visit d-r. ock at sam goody.  thenn i came home, went to church for this baked potato night thing..haha..and then jason, canary, and i met hammah and doodypants and saraloin and k.tia at borders, and we came to my house and watched dvds and played taboo.  then today i went to walmart with dustin.. then we met josh and had practice..and then we visited jaymey at work and then left a present on what we hoped was her car..’cause..yeah.  (Dstnjmswht: a fubu sock, mutilated barbie, and a love letter…thats enough to scare anyone) oh..we also SAW A POOP GNOME.  and i’ll end with that.

->hi, my name is brandon and goldfish crackers are amazing.
listening to: p.o.d – i dont like their new album. ah well. the songs phil keaggy plays on are good though..


mmmm weekends are nice.  last night was boat loads of Fun (with a capital F).  i went to the show, missed into all the earth, kind’ve watched people dance to the 2nd band, and then watched the pits.  all i could think of was the darkness.  they weren’t necessarily bad, just not what i was anticipating.  they said they had a bad night though.   but man oh man, it was fun seeing everyone there.  and then lots of people went to perkins.  i got a helmet of bread.  mmmm.  jaye brought a big tub of cheese balls.  people threw things at emily’s face.  i saw the coolest pie divider ever.  and we talked about poop gnomes.  (see below)

today i got up and went to the scholastics art award ceremony.. i got a gold key (which means my painting goes to nationals) and 2 silvers and 3 honorable mentions.. so that was cool.  then i went to the olive garden with my mom and sister.. then to church for practice tomorrow.  i have to lead worship and do a solo…so you should call come and worship with me.  that’d be fun.  tonight i was supposed to go to akron but the blizzard kinda got in the way of that.  i was sad.. but i whooped my mom and sister at scrabble.  and it’s so great that the weekend’s only half over. 

and now you can read this to either laugh or get weirded out.. (especially if you’re a girl)

first an explanation from dustin..

Dstnjmswht: *ahem* Despite the rumors and vicious lies both male and female genders of the human species have been fed since the begining of time, there is one point that must be addressed. Girls do not poop. Now this may come as a shock to the ladies everywhere, and rightly so. But the truth must be told, for the mental picture of a beautiful girl pooping, just kills your whole image ladies, both for you, and the guys. So do everyone a favor and accept the fact you don’t poop. “But, I know I poop. I…” (yeah we’ll leave it at that). Yes, you may think you poop, but you don’t. How does the poop get there, and why does it feel like you pooped it out? The answer is quite simple. Poop Gnomes. “Poop Gnomes?” Yes, Poop Gnomes. Theres lil gleeful Poop Gnomes that sneak up from under/behind you when you “think” you’re pooping, and they tickle your butt to make you think you pooped and they put poop into the toilet. It’s all part of the ploy ladies to make you think you pooped. So, yes, this may come shocking, but the conclusive results through extensive research has proven true, that a little gnome comes and tickles your butt and puts poop in the toilet to make you think you pooped. But don’t reach in with your hand, they bite those. (and they also hide in creamer containers, as sara found out.)After the poop gnome has tickled your bottom and slipped some poo in the toilet with you unaware, he gleefully frolicks back to his domain doing heel clicks whistling and sinigng “Toodle dee doodle dee poo poo.”

bschmidt777: oh man today in the middle of the awards ceremony
bschmidt777: i thought about the poop gnome
bschmidt777: and i seriously busted into laughter
Dstnjmswht: hhahahaha thats awesome
bschmidt777: and the girl next to me wouldnt leave me alone until i told her what i was laughing at
bschmidt777: and she was like “i love you brandon”
bschmidt777: haha
Dstnjmswht: well…i thought it was a logical explanation as to why girls dont poop
Dstnjmswht: haha
bschmidt777: yeah i do also
bschmidt777: hahaha i’ll have to tell my mom to watch out
Dstnjmswht: haha yeah dont stick your hand in
bschmidt777: hahaha i wonder where poop gnomes came from
Dstnjmswht: haha we’ll find out in Heaven one day
bschmidt777: oh that’ll be the day
Dstnjmswht: it will
Dstnjmswht: and we can run  round and round with the poop gnomes in Heaven and they wont bite our hands, and they wont have the need to tickle girl’s butts…they’ll tickle the butts of the glorious angels
bschmidt777: aw that makes me so gay (in a heterosexually happy way)
bschmidt777: how do the gnomes get the poop?
bschmidt777: the poo factory?
Dstnjmswht: we’ve yet to figure that out
Dstnjmswht: they’re elusive creatures
bschmidt777: man those guys are mysterious
bschmidt777: i’m so glad i’m not a girl
Dstnjmswht: it’s a miracle we’ve learned this much
bschmidt777: oh for sure
bschmidt777: i hear the toilet flushing upstairs
bschmidt777: they’re at it again!

->hi, my name is brandon and you better beware.
listening to: the juliana theory – love